05 October 2022

Wings to Fly

 I am propelled to write down
thoughts that fill my head.
Some days they're full of laughter
some days it's tears -
the days are such.
This day there's a grappling
with cruel words
coursing from mouths 
and pens uncaring
or is it just unthinking
of their mark. 
There's an unkindness 
in this world
the seeds probably sown
at the dawn of time
now propagated and evolved
into a cruel monster
lurking in this thing
called social media.
It makes me want to 
gather up my family
wrap them in my wings
and keep them safe forever
but they too have wings
and want to use them to fly
so I jam pack their hearts
with love and things
that glow in dark places
let go
and watch them take flight.

(This captivating Pixabay photo by Pexels)

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