28 April 2011

A Maze Ing

A picture frame
a clock
a wok
a cutting board
a mat
were on the list
when I left home
I bought a rat
some finger puppets
and a vase
a bed
a stepping ladder
and if
that wasn’t
quite enough
the thing
that makes
me madder
was the meatballs
set in gravy
with a dollop
of potato
that found their way
into my mouth
when I met
with my friend
later ...
dazed and glazed
and programmed
to join in
any queue
we wound around
some railings
to mass production
all the others
we grabbed
a tray
and plates
piled them high
with mash
and meatballs
bagged a table
and ate!

22 April 2011

The Storm

Dark clouds hover 
windows shut
in anticipation
of thunderous claps
and pelting rain
pushed inside
by blustery winds.

Along the Fleurien Way

Parked by the roadside
at Myponga
along the Fleurian Way
I watch pale grasses
dance to Mali beats
as blustery winds
whip garbage bins
into a percussive frenzy -
branches weakened
by the dry summer, snap 
spiralling downward
in death rolls
timed to nature’s beat
their thudding climax stolen
by a shrieking tinny reed
and a voice calling
time for a cuppa.

20 April 2011


Little bushy tops
like sprigs of parsley
bunched together
dot the mountainside -
their summer colour
relieves the stark expanse
of skeletal gums
that stand denuded
seared by the raging heat
of nature’s hell -
they wait for winter cover
to blanket their nakedness
until spring.

12 April 2011

Defying Gravity

For a fleeting moment
the simple realisation
that there are
some things
just beyond
my reach
of change
grabbed hold of me
and filled me
with such peace
and overwhelming
I thought
I would defy
gravity …


as he was known,
lithe and brown
and tuneful
with the fullness
of sound
created by his
perfect chest
has fallen prey
to the tyranny
of hardened hands
and hearts
unable to comprehend
the resonance
of the careless throw
that broke him
and the heart
of the little girl
who loved him
from the first time
she held him
in her hands
to make