22 June 2021

Three Haikus for Hiroshima

Sunny morning gone,
firestorm sky raining black
on Hiroshima.

Summer night lanterns
on Motoyasu River ...
spirits of the dead.

Child fingers folding
rainbow squares of peace and hope,
cranes for Sadako.



Big Mistake

 Mistakes are made
most every day
and all the days thereafter
but the biggest mistake
we often make
is the hardest one to master.

When we open the doors
to our brain
inviting guilt right in
it gnaws upon
our troubled minds
and dines on our thinking.

The holes it leaves
are ripe and primed
to fill with scorn 
and blaming,
those scarring webs
that block our way
to growth
and self-realising.

(Painting by a very young Emma Dean)

06 June 2021

Waterfall Way Haikus

Atop a ridge,
 tuned by nature's hand
rock drums to play.