16 November 2021

Shape of a Girl

 This album
that I hold 
in my hand
dappled with
my tear drops
of laughing
and crying
with the stories
of a little girl's
now grown life.
They're told
in songs
and music
shaped by her
and a brother
who filled
his musical palette
with the rhythms
and textures
and melodies
of all her years
to sculpt
the sounds
of her stories.
This album
that I hold
in my hand
is rich
with love -
it's the knowing
photographer's eye
of a life friend
that moment
of vulnerability
between smiles -
it's an artist
she calls
soul sister
wrapping her
in brush strokes
born of 
their harmony -
it's her love
caressing her
with the music
that passed
from her
through his heart
and back 
to her
as his violin
sang her stories -
it's the voices 
and instruments
of those 
who stepped over
the snoring cavaliers
to squeeze
into the studio
they called 
Tiny Dream
and into
the music
that when
it was finished
fitted so perfectly
into the shape
of the girl
and into
this album
that I hold
in my hand.

12 September 2021

The Flower

Moving forward
step by step
breath by breath
billboard slogans
my mind
from within
when I am lost
to steer me
I otherwise
might not go -
I hope 
I'll pass by 
a flower today
for somewhere
in the data
of my memory
are murmurings
if I could see
the miracle
of a single flower
my whole life
would change.

14 August 2021

Thoughts Adrift

Our hands
tell our stories
I thought
as I watched him steer
the old paddle wheeler
down the Thomson River
in a stretch of water
the locals said
had never run dry
even though
beyond the coolibahs
dry and dusty
treeless flats
to the horizon
sneezing dust 
into the hazy twilight
as lumbering trucks
raced the night
and kangaroos
by the blinding lights
to a foisted fate
by the roadside -
fodder not only
for the carrion hunters
I thought
but for the tellers 
of tales
back at home
and on the road
around billabong campfires
as billies boiled
and yarns gave way
to legends -
the stars
I thought
that night
trying to find them
behind the dusky
pink haze
have been 
telling us stories too
since the beginning
of time
about this planet -
now I thought
still trying
to find one
is the time
to listen.


22 June 2021

Three Haikus for Hiroshima

Sunny morning gone,
firestorm sky raining black
on Hiroshima.

Summer night lanterns
on Motoyasu River ...
spirits of the dead.

Child fingers folding
rainbow squares of peace and hope,
cranes for Sadako.



Big Mistake

 Mistakes are made
most every day
and all the days thereafter
but the biggest mistake
we often make
is the hardest one to master.

When we open the doors
to our brain
inviting guilt right in
it gnaws upon
our troubled minds
and dines on our thinking.

The holes it leaves
are ripe and primed
to fill with scorn 
and blaming,
those scarring webs
that block our way
to growth
and self-realising.

(Painting by a very young Emma Dean)

06 June 2021

Waterfall Way Haikus

Atop a ridge,
 tuned by nature's hand
rock drums to play.